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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

IDQ Parser Transformation

IDQ Parser Transformation 

In this article we are going to cover parser based transformation .It is one of most important transformation used in IDQ. Parsing is the core function of any data quality tool and IDQ provides rich parsing functionality to handle complex patterns.

Parser transformation can be created in two mode

  • Token Parsing Mode 
  • Pattern Based Parsing

Token Based Parsing : It is used to parse strings that match token sets regular expression or reference table based entries.We will use a simple example to create a token based parser transformation.Suppose we have email id coming in a field in format "Name@company.domain" and we want to parse this and store it in multiple fields 

Suppose we have input data coming as below

We will create a token based parser transformation having email id as input ,After creating transformation go to properties and strategies tab and click on new 

Token Based Parsing :It is used to parse strings that match token sets regular expression or reference table based enteries.
We will use a simple example to create a token based parser transformation.Suppose we have email id coming in a field in format "Name@company.domain" and we want to parse this and store it in multiple fields 
Suppose we have input data coming as below

Step1 : We will create a token based transformation having email id as input ,After creating transformation go to properties and strategies tab and click on new 

Step2 : Click on Token Based

Step3 : Select Regular expression (As we want to have multiple output port)

Step4)  Select email parser or you can create your own regular expression to parse different type of transformation

Step5) Create three output port and click on OK then finish

Below is output from Parser transformation Name ,company and email id parsed into separate fields.

Pattern Based Parsing : Pattern based parsers are useful when working with data that needs to be parsed apart or sorted and the data has a moderately high number of patterns that are easily recognized.
Parser Based Transformation need to have output from Label Transformation which will provide two outputs LabelData and Tokenised data
Suppose we have a field named as PATTERN_DATA in source which contains name ,empno and date in it and we need to parse into three seperate fields
Step1 ) We will first create a label transformation with delimiter as , and below properties by creating new strategies 

in second tab choose execution order and assign label

    Output of Label transformation will be

Step2 ) Connect both LabeledOutput and Tokenized data to pattern based transformation
and create three new output port in port tab as shown below

Step3 ) In Pattern Tab define below (As per Label defined in Label) 

You can preview Parser data broken in three fields NAME EMPNO DOB

Hope this post make Parser transformation more clear..In case of nay question please send mail to or leave your comment here.

Generating Dynamic Multiple Target files in Informatica

Recently we came across a scenario to generate multiple dynamic Multiple Target files in Informatica. We receive vendor data through Legacy database in below table

  1. Invoice_ID
  2. Invoice_No
  3. Invoice_Amount
  4. Vendor_Id

We need to separate all details related to one vendor in separate file so that we can pass data to third part vendors in separate file.



In order to achieve this we need to follow below steps in mapping

Step1 ) Import INVOICE_DETAILS and drag into mapping and connect all port from Source qualifier to expression and do below sql override

order by VENDOR_ID

Step2) Create expression transformation with as below with 4 input port plus

  1. FILE_NAME (Output Port)  'Vendor_'||VENDOR_ID||'Details.csv'
  2. CHECK_VENDOR_ID(Variable Port)  iif (VENDOR_ID <> PREV_VENDOR_ID,1,0)

Step 3 ) Create Transaction Control Transformation (TC_GENERATE_FILES) with below logic 


Step 4 ) Create a File Target with same structure as source table and new field in target using option “Add FileName to this Table”

Connect FileName column from transaction control to FileName Port.

Step5) Run the workflow and below files will be created

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Informatica Port Order

Port Order

Informatica calculates ports in the following order:

  1. Input ports. Informatica calculates all input ports first as they are not dependent on any other ports. So, we can create input ports in any order.
  2. Variable ports. Variable ports can reference input ports and variable ports, but not output ports. As variable ports can reference input ports, the informatica calculates variable ports after input ports. Likewise, since variable can reference other variables, the display order for variable ports is the same as the order in which the PowerCenter Server evaluates each variable.
Suppose first we calculate the commission variable and then we need to calculate salary by using commission then we need to make sure port which hold commission should appear first before salary port.
  1. Output ports. As output ports can reference both input ports and variable ports, the informatica evaluates output ports last. The display order for output ports does not matter, as output ports cannot reference other output ports. Output ports should appear at the bottom of the list of ports

    How to capture previous row values

    Suppose we have to check whether employee’s department is same as last employee’s department .For that we can do the following

    1. Create two variables VAL_OLD_DEPT, VAL_NEW_DEPT
    2. Place VAL_OLD_DEPT before Input IN_DEPT Port
    3. Place VAL_NEW_DEPT After Input Dept Port
    4. In port VAL_OLD_DEPT assign following IIF(ISNULL(IN_DEPT),’NODEPT’, IN_DEPT)
    5. Assign VAL_NEW_DEPT equal IN_DEPT
    6. Create one output port to compare

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Informatica 9 new features for developers

Informatica 9 new features for developers

Informatica 9 has lot of new features including IDQ and Informatica Analyst etc this post we will focus on features which are specially useful for developers

Lookup Transformation : Cache updates. We can update the lookup cache based on the results of an expression. When an expression is true, we can add to or update the lookup cache. We can update the dynamic lookup cache with the results of an expression. 

Multiple rows return We can configure the Lookup transformation to return all rows that match a lookup condition. A Lookup transformation is an active transformation when it can return more than one row for any given input row. 

SQL overrides for uncached lookups: In previous versions We could create a SQL override for cached lookups only. We can create an SQL override for uncached lookup. We can include lookup ports in the SQL query. 

Database deadlock resilience In previous releases, when the Integration Service encountered a database deadlock during a lookup, the session failed. Effective in 9.0, the session will not fail. When a deadlock occurs, the Integration Service attempts to run the last statement in a lookup. We can configure the number of retry attempts and time period between attempts. 

SQL transformation Auto-commit for connections. We can enable auto-commit for each database connection. Each SQL statement in a query defines a transaction. A commit occurs when the SQL statement completes or the next statement is executed, whichever comes first. 

Session Log files rollover We can limit the size of session logs for real-time sessions. We can limit the size by time or by file size. We can also limit the number of log files for a session. 

Passive transformation We can configure the SQL transformation to run in passive mode instead of active mode. When the SQL transformation runs in passive mode, the SQL transformation returns one output row for each input row. 

XML transformation XML Parser buffer validation. The XML Parser transformation can validate an XML document against a schema. The XML Parser transformation routes invalid XML to an error port. When the XML is not valid, the XML Parser transformation routes the XML and the error messages to a separate output group that We can connect to a target. 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Informatica Scenario Based Interview Questions (Part1)

Interviewer asked “How  will you get first 3 records from flat file source? “...You will say in your mind that’s simple

You reply “We can use variable in expression and increment it and the use filter transformation to pass just first two records”

Interviewer will come up with a new trick in his sleeve “How  will you get last 3 records from flat file source? “

Déjà vu …J

You will think and try to build some logic on the fly and try to explain may we can use this transformation or some another transformation and will get bit confused.

I have tried to explain this with a simple example

Suppose we have customer data coming in below format and we want to have last 3 rows in target


Create expression transformation (exp_Build_Logic)  drag all three input ports and create three extra ports as below

Ø  v_dummy (Output Port) –Assign Value 1 to it
Ø  v_Total_Count (Variable Port) := v_Total_Count+1
Ø  o_Total_Count := v_Total_Count

Step2) Create Aggregator transformation with all ports and do not choose any port as group by port

Step 3)

 Create Joiner transformation jnr_Agg_Expression as Sorted Input (You need to choose this option as you are trying to use two sources originating from same source)

Take two ports from aggregator and rest from expression transformation and join on field v_dummy

Output from joiner

Step 4)  Create filter transformation after joiner with following conditions

This will past last three records


Output will be
